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Baby's First Plane Ride: Must-Have Baby Travel Products

Baby's First Plane Ride: Must-Have Baby Travel Products

Hello loves! 

Thanks for visiting my blog! It has been a long time since I've shared on this platform. I am still getting used to balancing this new life as a working mom and wife. Nonetheless, I am back and eager to share some must-have products that helped Chris and me valiantly travel with a 7-month-old so effortlessly. 

Recently, Chris, Mackenzie, and I traveled to Daytona, FL, to visit her great-grandparents. We had the best time visiting the beach, singing and playing music, and watching Mother Goose Club (Mackenzie's favorite show). It warms my heart to see how loved she is! The trip went so well, but I was very nervous. I constantly prayed that Mackenzie's ears would not pop and that she would not be uncomfortable on the plane. I researched and found the best products to help calm my nerves for her first plane ride. If you ask my husband, I am infamous for overpacking. Hey! I rather overpack and be prepared than under-pack.  

If you plan to travel with a newborn or small child for the first time, here are some products I swear will make your life easier. 

Diaper Bag

I love this Diaper Bag I found on Amazon. It is large and can hold a lot of stuff but does not feel heavy. I was able to carry Mackenzie's stuff and my necessities (i.e., cell phone, wallet, and masks). When packing your diaper bag to travel with a newborn, I recommend packing all the essentials. I brought the following items, but you should pack what is best for you and your family. Essential Diaper Bag Items: Diapers, baby wipes, disinfectant wipes, bibs, burp cloths, blankets, extra changing clothes, baby food (the airline was able to heat her food for us, which was very convenient), hand pump, storage bags (for my breastfeeding moms), books, toys, pacifier and pacifier case, and a phone charger. (Chris and I downloaded Mackenzie's favorite shows for her to watch. The phone charger was vital)


Headphones are the second most important item when traveling with a newborn or small child. I swear these headphones helped with her ears not popping. Mackenzie was never fussy or crying as if she was in pain. She slept the first leg on both trips and was in good spirits on the second leg. I am so thankful for these headphones.

Travel Crib

We were gifted this travel crib, and it is vital! We started sleep training Mackenzie a week before we traveled (why did we time it that way? Who knows. It is going very well, FYI). We did not want to ruin her great progress and have her sleeping in the bed with us. The travel crib was safe and provided her the same comfort she would get sleeping in her crib at home.

Travel Stroller

We love our regular stroller, but it is pretty large and heavy. We did not want to lug it around the airport or bring it to the beach, so we invested in a smaller, lightweight travel stroller. We found this travel stroller in Target. It is light and very inexpensive. I like that it has a cup holder, a place to hang your purse or diaper bag, a canopy with an extendable visor, and a recliner for comfort. The only downfall is the storage basket. It is not as large as my everyday stroller, but it gets the job done.

Car Seat

We brought our Uppababy car seat from home. We checked it and left it in the car. It was easy to travel with; however, I've heard from other moms that you can rent car seats depending on where you are traveling to. Bringing our own car seat worked for us on this trip.

Food & Containers

Lastly, I found these travel-size containers on Babylist that I LOVE. They are small and compact. They are microwavable, and you can keep them in the freezer or fridge. I also purchased this travel bowl, which came with a spoon. It was so convenient. I packed her food and kept them in a small storage bag until she was ready to eat.

I hope these items are helpful. What are some of your staple travel items?

xoxo, Taylor


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