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5 Tips on How to Network Successfully

5 Tips on How to Network Successfully

Hi everyone! Welcome to Poised. Here you will find tips encouraging you to follow your dreams and pursue your purpose with style, confidence, and poise. The intention of Poised is to share what I’ve learned throughout my personal and professional journeys with the hopes that my story can help people overcome similar circumstances. I am a strong believer that through faith and hard work, we can accomplish anything and look good while doing it flips hair.

Recently, I spoke with a few law students and young attorneys looking to land a job post-law school and post-clerkship. One of the biggest themes throughout our conversation was the importance of networking. Networking is key to landing a job. I can only speak from experience and honestly say I would not be in my current work position without networking and building and maintaining relationships. Networking is also essential to building genuine relationships to figure out how you can serve others. 

The idea of networking is easier said than done; especially, in this new virtual environment following the pandemic. Keep reading for five tips on how to network successfully! 

Be Prepared & Have a Plan

Being prepared and developing a plan before you network is the most critical tip to networking successfully and having fun while doing it. Seasoned networkers walk into a networking event, whether in-person or virtually, knowing who they want to speak with and why. Before reaching out to someone, figure out why you want to meet them. What is the purpose/intention of meeting and talking with this person? For example, is it for informational purposes or future employment? Do your research! Discover the person’s likes and dislikes. Research who the person is and their personal story. Discover what you all might have in common (i.e., recreational activities, alma maters, or hobbies). Always have questions prepared. Remember, the true purpose of networking is to build genuine relationships with people. Networking is about listening and figuring out what others need and connecting them with people who can help without any designs for personal gain. Although networking can lead to personal gain, you never want to enter a networking situation with the goal of how this person can help you. Instead, successful networkers enter a situation intending to figure out how they can help others. 

Figure out how to be Useful

Before ending a conversation, be sure to ask, “How can I help you?” Often, people network for personal gain. Imagine the shock on the person’s face when you ask how you can help them. You are sure to leave a lasting impression. While the person may not have an answer for you that night, they may have an idea later, leaving the door open to staying connected and following up. Here are some suggestions on how you can be useful: 

  • Offer to conduct research and draft a blog post or article on a topic of their interest.

  • Connect them with other people with like-minded goals, businesses, or values.

  • Offer to plan an event where they can connect with people or present on a topic of their interest.

Follow up & Follow Through

After meeting with people, it is important to follow up and follow through. If you promised to introduce someone to a person, do it. If you affirmed that you would keep in touch, do it. I recommend following up with someone immediately after meeting them (at the latest up to 48 hours), thanking them for their time, and affirming you would like to stay in touch. After establishing the first connection, I recommend following up quarterly unless the person says otherwise. Following up does not have to be complicated. You can simply check in to see how they are doing or to update them on your progress. Following up can lead to future conversations and new opportunities. 

Leverage Your Connections

We all have our own networks. We are connected to people through our families and friends, schools, jobs, organizations, social media, etc. Use these connections to build a network that is in line with the plan we discussed earlier. Networking does not have to be stuffy and formal. Leveraging your connections, being prepared, and intending to build genuine relationships can make networking fun and enjoyable. 

Be Confident

Lastly, be confident! You got this. You know your strengths, talents, and how you can help others. Be genuine. Be humble. Be yourself. Of course, always dress to impress! 

I hope these tips are helpful. Share in the comments if you’ve applied these tips or want more information on networking in different scenarios. As always, thank you for stopping by my blog. Subscribe to my email list so you’ll never miss a blog post. Follow me on Instagram @taylor_grant18 for more tips and style inspo. 



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